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2016 WSOP Main Event Payouts AFTER Tax

While the TV coverage of the 2016 WSOP Main Event regularly showed the payouts, they weren’t what the contestants actually received.

The tax system reared it’s ugly head, and took a huge chunk out of the final payouts.

qui nguyen wsop main event 2016

Taxable Talk ran a full analysis of the final table payouts for all players and the regions they need to pay tax to.

Notable points:

– $25,445,388 was payed out at the final table
– $10,109,760 will be taxed
– 39.7% of the payouts will be taxed

This table breaks down where the $10,109,760 actually goes:

wsop 2016 after tax payouts

This table is the player breakdown, and what they ended up receiving after tax:

wsop 2016 after tax payouts

It’s incredible to see that Qui Nguyen, essentially takes home 2nd place prize, rather than the $8 million he won.

The players will of course, hire tax agents to try to minimize their tax payments, but the majority of the $10,109,760 to be taxed will end up in the hands of the various governments.

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